Business Activities

The logical run of things


Specialist construction management

We will take over your specialist geotechnical construction management

Our experienced experts at 3G will take over the specialist geotechnical construction management for the planning and construction implementation of your project. In this way we guarantee that the construction project is implemented within budget, aligned with the geotechnical conditions, and above all safely.

3G GRUPPE GEOTECHNIK GRAZ ZT GMBH | Triester Straße 478a | 8055 Graz – Seiersberg-Pirka | Austria | T: +43/316/337799 | office[a] |

Branch office Vorarlberg | Hintere Achmühlerstraße 1a | 6850 Dornbirn | Austria | T: +43/5572/200649 | vorarlberg[a] |

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