Business Activities

The logical run of things


Static design and geomechanical construction planning

The planning of the static design and the geotechnical construction is carried out both for projects in the foundation engineering field and also for all fields of underground construction.

Koralpe pumped storage plant, proppant concept for hydro power cavern

Koralpe pumped storage power plant, standard cross-section of earth embankment dam

3G GRUPPE GEOTECHNIK GRAZ ZT GMBH | Triester Straße 478a | 8055 Graz – Seiersberg-Pirka | Austria | T: +43/316/337799 | office[a] |

Branch office Vorarlberg | Hintere Achmühlerstraße 1a | 6850 Dornbirn | Austria | T: +43/5572/200649 | vorarlberg[a] |

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