Business Activities

The logical run of things


Geological and hydrogeological documentation

In the course of carrying out construction work, we document the geological and hydrogeological conditions encountered on site. These include for example

in the foundation engineering field:

  • Documentation of excavation slopes
  • Drilled pile and tie bar protection

in the underground construction field:

  • Documentation of cyclical and continuous driving
  • Preliminary exploration activities

Geological documentation of continuous tunnel driving

Geological documentation of cyclical tunnel driving

Geological documentation of cyclical tunnel driving with the assistance of 3D photo documentation (© 3GSM)

3G GRUPPE GEOTECHNIK GRAZ ZT GMBH | Triester Straße 478a | 8055 Graz – Seiersberg-Pirka | Austria | T: +43/316/337799 | office[a] |

Branch office Vorarlberg | Hintere Achmühlerstraße 1a | 6850 Dornbirn | Austria | T: +43/5572/200649 | vorarlberg[a] |

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